

“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.

Follow your dreams.”


My name is Simba.

I am a rescued Shiba Inu who lives in The Netherlands with my huMOM Angelique. Due to circumstances, at the age of almost seven years, I was looking for a new, warm home and cosy family to spend my further life with. 

And there was Facebook, posted a note with my request. For ‘Angel’, it immediately was love at first sight but I kept my distance for a while and finally during our 3rd date a spontaneous kiss of me confirmed our definite match and the fact I choose this woman to share my Shiba life with. 

A match made by heaven…

For sure I know everything comes with a reason at the perfect moment. 

‘Shiba Inu’, a Japanese dogbreed my huMOM Angel felt in love with years ago, mostly compared with foxes…her last name is ‘Renard’ which means ‘Fox’ in French. My name Simba, ‘Lion King’…her constellation is ‘Lion’. Musician Prince, wherefrom she met someone who is connected to the advertiser on Facebook what resulted this sweet woman noticed my call in her timeline. Shouldn’t this be more than just coincidence?!

Founded in a cold, empty shed together with my suspected brother(s) and sister(s) as little pup I was already equipped with a lifetime backpack. With maybe some less socialisation than average dogs a good dose of patience is certainly no superfluous luxury. And despite a great curiosity, I often prefer to first observe situations before deciding when it is time to go any further. So some manual to deal with but I must say my huMOM is doing great!

My character described by Angel: independent, brave but cautious, curious but watchful waiting, proud, clever, cocky, adventurous, a real DIVA, a delicious cuddler, as long as it suits me and I can be terribly lazy…ME?!...

Now, a while further. Ready for some new adventures. Adventures I like to share with you as my fan. As where it all has started with our adventurous walks. An event, specially organized for my dearest friends who adores dogs, loves all the beauty mother nature is giving to us and for all who are just enjoying live. We now follow our passion starting to build up our own Simba outdoor clothing line!


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